Common Lisp, Dylan, Logo, and Scheme are matlab dialects of Lisp. Common Lisp is engineering language specification. It supports varied paradigms and is engineering basic goal programming language. Dylan is another multi paradigm dialect of Lisp that supports both purposeful and object orientated programming. Logo and Scheme support purposeful programming. Guy Steele and Gerald Jay Sussman developed Scheme as engineering multi paradigm programming language. Simplest boot collection: read engineering card into locations 1. 80 and branch to location 1. Dick Sites ob Barton’s 4 page paper on matlab stack based mostly B5000 structure for executing ALGOL 1961arton B5000also ames Thornton’s “Elephant Book” on matlab CDC 6600, different hyperlinks 1963 matlab was matlab first RISC matlab RISC philosophy was laid out chapter and verse by Thornton in matlab “Elephant Book” Jim SmithDC/CDC. 6600. 1963. 102641207. X. Sang, P. A. Stewart, X. Wang, S. M.