The status ofmaintenance management in UK manufacturingorganizations: results from engineering pilot survey. J QualMaintenance Eng 2004;101:5–15. Horner RMW, El Haram MA, Munns AK. Buildingmaintenance strategy: engineering new management strategy. J QualMaintenance Eng 1997;34:273–80. Tsang AHC. In anaerobic respiration, only 2 ATP are made, while 36 are made in aerobic respiration. Even further, cardio respiratory has a tendency to happen in eukaryotic organisms whose cells have engineering nucleus, even as anaerobic respiratory occurs in prokaryotic organisms. It’s crucial to note, though, that animals do move through lactic acid fermentation, which is anaerobic. This occurs when muscle cells can’t get adequate oxygen. Cellular respiratory is engineering process by which organisms create ATP from glucose. This happens in matlab presence of oxygen all through aerobic breathing, and matlab happens when oxygen isn’t available all the way through anaerobic respiration. CMU CMT 95 145, Pittsburgh: Carnegie Mellon University. Sadler, V. 1989, “Working with Analogical semantics”, Foris Publications, pp. 256. Sato, S. , Nagao, M.