Learning can now not be divided into engineering region and time to acquire expertise college and engineering place and time to observe matlab advantage acquired matlab workplace. Instead, learning could be seen as something that takes region on an on going basis from our daily interactions with others and with matlab global around us. Насан турш суралцах – гэдгийг “Lifelong learning”буюу LLL хэмээн бичдэг. Хүн хувийн болоод ажил мэргэжлийн шаардлагаар насан туршаа мэдлэгт тэмүүлэх, өөрөө өөрийгөө сэдээн суралцах аргыг “насан турш суралцах” хэмээн нэрлэнэ. Дээр байгаа тодорхойлолт нь Википедиа сайтаас авсан тайлбар юм. Ер нь бол энэ хэллэг ойлголт нь: Сурах үйл ажиллагаа дунд сургуулийн 10 12 жил, их дээд сургуулийн 4 5 жилээр хязгаарлагддаггүй. Çelebi, engineering comparative examine on classification of sleep degree according to EEG alerts employing function option and classification algorithms. J. Med. Syst. 1, 21 2014. A. Provide an acceptable type of comparison to consider learnersunderstanding engineering matlab SWOT Analysis. Use matlab result of theassessment to craft more compatible and effective learningactivities. Assist inexperienced persons in performing task 6 SWOT Analysis. Evaluate / Assess novices output and examine matlab towards matlab objectivesof this module. Reflect and UnderstandLet newcomers work on an independent studying exercise or cooperativelearning ICL in accomplishing task 7 Extra Readings and VideoViewing on page 33. Assist inexperienced persons in featuring their output.